our projects
Life . Faith . Adventure

The Which Way Now Project is a 4 session programme that works with Key Stage 2 children on their own school grounds.
It offers whole classes the opportunity to develop their;
team work skills, leadership skills, communication skills and cooperation skills to name just a few

One of our most exciting projects, usually runs from May through 'til October.
A jam-packed residential experience, using a forest location just near Warrington - that is near enough to be convenient for our schools, yet far away enough to feel like you're a thousand miles away from normality

This project takes place between December and February.
It is a 2 day project that gives whole classes the opportunity to get out and about at a time when others are stuck inside.

The sessions we deliver are designed to provide opportunities for the young people to succeed, to build their confidence, develop positive communications skills and have something to be proud of and look forward to each week.

This project works in partnership with some of our local primary schools, providing outdoor and adventurous experiences throughout the school holidays

This project is designed to give a little bit of extra support and encouragement to small focus groups.
On our Inspire programme, our instructors work closely with school staff to tailor the activities to meet the learning needs of each child.